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ZeQuiz is produced by ateam of enthusiasts

ZeQuiz was born from the need to have a tool to host the cinema and name that tune quiz evenings organized regularly in the founders' favorite bar and to have a good evening while being able to participate in the game calmly.

It is with this in mind that ZeQuiz was born: a simple and intuitive tool to use for both players and hosts !


Quentin Nichini


Both an IT engineer and a graduate of Sciences Po Aix, Quentin has worked for 15 years in the web world in agencies, ESN and has already founded a SaaS startup in the world of business intelligence.
Big fan of cinema, tv shows and video games. You can also find him on his podcasts!

Juliette Barbier


A graduate in Digital Marketing, Juliette has been a freelance content manager & graphic designer for 5 years after having been communications manager at SNCF.
A seasoned Roller Derby player, she is also a big fan of genre cinema, Harry Potter and Jurrasic Park!

Perfect for

Facilitate your team building workshopsHost private events with quizzesLiven up your social networks with quizzesOrganize a live quiz with your community on streamOrganize a Quiz for a Youtube videoOrganize quiz nights in a bar

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