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Host private events with quizzes


Looking for a nice and friendly activity for an evening with friends, a wedding, a birthday or a bachelor(ette) party? Organize a personalized quiz for your guests: good atmosphere and laughter guaranteed!

Easy to set up and use, ZeQuiz does not require any complex equipment: a computer, speakers, a TV, an internet connection and smartphones are enough to transform your space into a real interactive playground. Personalize your quiz to make it unique: choose themes, questions, and even difficulty to perfectly suit your audience.

Choosing ZeQuiz for your next event guarantees a fun, original and unforgettable experience for all your guests. It's more than just a game, it's a catalyst for good humor and unforgettable moments. Get ready to experience an exceptional evening where fun and laughter will be the key words!

How doesit works ?



The organizer of the evening prepares the questions that will be proposed to the players. This is an essential step that is made easier by ZeQuiz.

  • Create your own quiz or choose one from the library available on ZeQuiz

  • You can also create your quiz from questions from multiple existing quizzes

  • Create your game by configuring the rules and rounds



ZeQuiz needs to be used with an internet connection. All you have to do is connect to ZeQuiz from a device connected to the location's audio/video system. Several configurations are possible:

  • Connect to a computer connected to the venue's screens/audio system

  • Connect to your phone and pair it with Bluetooth speakers, you can stream the gaming screen via ChromeCast

  • Without a screen available, you can also use ZeQuiz



Once connected and ready to invite players, all you have to do is broadcast the game screen which displays the QR code to join the game!

  • Start a new session on your game

  • Get the game screen URL and display it on venue screens / stream via Chromecast

  • Watch as players join the game. Without a screen, you can display the QRCode on your phone / the game URL for players



Once the players have registered, you can start the game. As the host of the evening, you will have to judge the answers and be able to lead the game in complete peace of mind.

  • Host the quiz from the animation screen on your computer. This is where the music will be played

  • Host the quiz from your phone by displaying the remote control! No need to stay fixed behind a table.

  • Display the scores whenever you want, the answers given or even the statistics of each team.


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